Sunday 29 March 2015

Back to my Home town

Thank you for all the get well wishes. I am a lot better.
This was where we were Friday evening and it was lovely
On the horizon are the houses and our B&B where we stay each time I come back to the town where I was born and brought up.
Nell played 'fetch' on this beach Friday evening till she was worn out.
And we walked for a mile or two just taking in the views across the beach out into the sea. I collected some shells and pieces of sea smoothed coloured glass, still a little girl at heart looking for treasures!
 The dunes are famous.. as it was here that the film 'Laurence of Arabia' was filmed! But I remember them for another reason. Just out of sight is Gorwelion House.
Where as a girl guide I stayed many a weekend and it was on these dunes we practised our semaphore! We had to be within shouting distance of each others' groups to shout what our message was supposed to be! We'd run up and down till we were breathless and had such a good time. Was it really 50 odd years ago I did all that?
Such happy memories, I wonder where those girl guides are now? And do they remember the dunes at Newton in Porthcawl with affection too? 

 Chris xx


  1. Thanks for sharing your great memories with us.

  2. Such a love,y place, thank you for sharing your photos and wonderful memories too.
    Walking is very good for you.....exercising without even thinking!! Love it!!
    Did you find any lovely shells?
    Smiles :)

  3. I loved Porthcawl the first time I visited in 70's.

  4. A nice sea view Chris.
    I too was walking along the beach last week finding sea glass, I've put mine in a little glass jar on my kitchen window to remind me of the lovely few days we had on the Essex coastline.
    Easter blessings to you both x

  5. Glad you enjoyed your visit home. Your mention of the fun and adventures you had as a guide has bought back many happy memories of some wonderful times I spent as a guide and later as a guide leader, especially of all the camping adventures we had. Happy and never forgotten days.


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