Monday 2 February 2015

Spring is on the way!

Lovely to see clumps of snowdrops in my garden, the herald of spring.. today it was only 2°C when we took our dog Nell to the park. She recognised where we were as soon as we got out of the car. She ran and ran and almost skipped with joy! I was well wrapped up but I need a hat, it was freezing!
We stopped and watched the ducks slipping on the frozen part of the lake. It was so funny to see them skidding as they landed.  Can't wait for the weather to warm up, but  it seems we are to have colder weather, although I shouldn't complain as people up north have snow and I just have snowdrops, which are wonderful. When I see these popping through the frozen soil, it makes me want to skip for joy, just like Nell!
(Actually I don't know if I can skip anymore!LOL)
Happy days



  1. Chris, snowdrops are so pretty, I love them, too.

  2. Ha! I KNOW I cannot skip anymore. Let's let Nell carry on for us.

  3. Beautiful snowdrops. Every so elegant. love Annette

  4. Snowdrops :-) so delicate in the harsh winter

  5. I love to see the first snowdrops as I know Spring is not too far behind.

  6. Mine seem to have vanished this year, I think the squirrels have been stealing them! Yours looks super.

  7. I love snowdrops but no chance here. Everything is covered under some 15" of snow up here.

  8. You CAN still skip:) I am excited for Spring too! Still a ways away but it will be here before we know it! Enjoy your day dear friend, stay warm! HUGS!


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