Thursday 28 August 2014

Pressies arrived so I can show

Lovely smiley Jacquie won my blogaversary giveaway and it has arrived , so I can show what I made,  a little pillow  and...
Sent.. A Lizzie Kate chart of a snowman and a pretty Teddy Scissors
She is delighted with them all and so that is good; this is what blogging is all about..
The pleasure of giving and receiving... don't you just love this wonderful world of blogging?

I have posted my 500th post so that's a reason for another Giveaway.. this time again some thing made by me and a choice of kits! So watch this  space  blog!!

Happy days blogging friends and thank you for being there for me!



  1. Its wonderful I cannot Thank You enough.. I love every thing about it.
    I simply LOVE the stitching/blogging community, every one is so friendly and happy, I guess as we share a common interest :)
    WOW!! Congratulations on reaching your 500th blog post :) Your next winner is in for a treat!
    Happy stitching and keep smiling :)

  2. Hello Chris

    What a lovely giveaway - lucky Jacquie!
    You've made the cushion beautifully (:

  3. A real jem this embroidered pillow!
    Beautiful work> Lucky winner.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Chris you have sent beautiful gifts to Jacquie :) Your stitchy finish is just lovely. Congrats on your 500th post by the way! xo

  5. You sent lovely gifts and a great stitching piece Chris.


  6. Those are fantastic gifts you gave to the smiley Jacquie. ;)

  7. This is a beautiful gift, stitching friends are always the best.

  8. A very lovely gift for Jacqui, perfect for her.
    Congrats on your 500th post. I've only done 1 post in August! This months passed me by somewhere...

  9. that was a beautiful give away. I just came across your blog

  10. What a lovely giveaway. Your stitched pillow is gorgeous


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..