Saturday 26 July 2014

Giveaway from Heather AND my 6th Blogaversary

I won quite unexpectantly from Heather her charts she was giving away (
I never seem to win things so this was a super surprise.

These are all really sweet and I think I will be busy stitching in the next week or two as it is my 6th Blogaversary!
I never thought I would still be blogging six years on. I started it on 27th July 2008 right after having my knee op. I was at home, in pain and wondering if I was ever going to be able to walk, or garden again. Of course I could still stitch but I was having trouble concentrating..
I have loved talking to you all over the years,  my regular followers and those that dip in here and read what I have been up to.
Not a lot I sometimes think and then I look back and marvel at what I have done, what I have  seen, where I have been  and how my life has happily unfolded. And I have made such a lot of things and now added to my stitching by learning to do patchwork and quilting.
There have been some sad times but lots of happy times..
This was one of the best when this little girl came into our lives.....

And here she is today..

Doing what she loves to do, sunning herself as she watches us.. we love her to bits and her unconditional love is always there.
Nell, now  4 1/2 years old and just as pretty today.

 Watch this space for what I will be offering in my giveaway, some thing made by me and ?????
Wait and see.....
Or if you like to take a chance sign up now before you even  know what to expect.
Thank you for all your comments and encouragement over the years.



  1. Aww so cute..very sweet..kisses for her xx

  2. =) Those are fabulous charts from Lizzie Kate. I have stitched the last one.
    I have won a giveaway from you. I still use your beautifully made sewing items. :)

  3. What a lovely little win,, well done! And count me in for the giveaway,,, I like surprises!

  4. Congratulations on your blogaversary Chris , hope there are many more xxx

  5. Congrats on winning all of those lovely charts, they will keep you busy for a while. Happy blogaversary. x

  6. Congratulations on your win Chris, such a nice collection of charts.
    Fingers crossed you'll be patch working a little surprise for the giveaway and I might just be lucky enough to see close up how it should be done! Lol
    Have a lovely weekend. X

  7. Happy 6th to you Chris! Congrats on your recent win:)
    PS: Aren't dogs the greatest?

  8. Beautiful charts you won - Congrats!
    WOW 6 years is a long time and I enjoy seeing what you are stitching and creating:) I would love to be entered for your 6yr celebration giveaway. Thank you love Annette

  9. felicidades por estos seis años y me apunto a tu celebración, claro!

  10. Congrats on your wonderful win!
    Happy blogoversary!

  11. Lucky Lady - simply sweet charts - and what a darling fur baby!!

  12. Great charts to win - six years has gone so quick

    I took my summer pillow to the caravan, there's a photo on Needlecraft Haven (under Thank You Chris on the exchange)

  13. Those are some nice charts you won! Nell looks like a sweetie. :) Congratulations on 6 years ~ wishing you many more years of blogging. I always enjoy your posts.


Let me know you stopped by..I love to read your comments ..

Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..