Thursday 31 October 2013

Practically a new kitchen!

 We have been tarting up our kitchen.. we had the tiles changed last autumn but then it was Christmas, then in the spring we went to Australia for 4 weeks, then it was summer gardening, so at last we have got round to doing a few things.

 DH has put up the new blinds, I have rubbed down the cupboard doors and painted them.

We have kept the handles, although at first we thought we'd get new, but these cost a fair bit and look fine, and there are 23 handles in all!
The spice rack is new and fits just right..
 I even took every thing off the dresser, washed and cleaned it all, polished the dresser and put it all back.
I want to paint the wooden chairs, an apple green colour, but will save that for another week, as I am not used to so much painting and need to rest my arms from all that rubbing down! I have slept really well while we have been doing this,  as I have dropped into bed each night exhausted!!LOL
The trouble with DIY work, you don't have someone else to make the cups of tea to keep you going, unlike workmen, nor were there any biscuits!!
But I am very pleased with it all and love our new colour scheme.


  1. It looks really nice, Chris. I love the tiles behind the stove and your dresser is beautiful with all the pretty treasures on it. Enjoy your new kitchen. :)

  2. Your kitchen looks amazing! Good idea to keep all the handles. The windows are so beautiful!

    Don't tire out your arms too much, or you won't be able to stitch!

  3. Your kitchen looks beautiful!

    I am on my 5th try at word verification. Would you please consider turning it off? :-)

  4. Wow your kitchen looks so beautiful...
    Sending you big hugs x

  5. It look slovely Chris - enjoy your Christmas baking in your 'new' kitchen

  6. Your new kitchen is lovely Chris.


  7. It looks so homey and pretty,Chris!

  8. Lovely: I like the handles. Upcycling at its best!

  9. Beautiful and very welcoming, pop the kettle on, i'll be there shortly!

  10. Been catching up on your posts ~ love your kitchen!! It is a lot of work, and yours has definitely paid off!!

  11. The transformation of your kitchen looks fantastic and testament to all your hard work. I hope you enjoy your new environment having put so much effort into it.

  12. You've done a great job on your kitchen I'm not surprised you've been sleeping well ;)

  13. Certainly. That worked just about right. Amazing how one can do that with the slightest window adjustments. Congrats!

    Roxie @ Allure


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