Saturday 20 July 2013

Planning for the New Year...

Thank you all for the very kind comments on my quilt blocks on my previous post. I am getting better with each project I do.  My sewing tutor says I always pick something that needs that extra effort!
Actually I choose charts without realising how difficult they are till I start!

         This is going to be my project for the new year.. it's a Robert Kaufman's oriental design fabric.

 My sewing class tutor has given me the chart and it is going to be a challenge. Nine blocks joined and set on points with the main fabric (the bottom one in the photo) as the border surrounded by cream, then bound by a darker colour. Each block is a different design. All the pieces in each block will have to have a stencil cut so that will take me a while! The colours in the photo look a little muted and are much richer looking in real life.

I am so looking forward to sewing it..

Such a lot to do and so little time!


  1. Beautiful material ..enjoy your new project.
    Big hugs x

  2. Gorgeous - have fun with your new project!

  3. Wonderful! Looks to be fabulous.

  4. Chris, I just tried to email you, and it came back undelivered. I wanted to thank you for your gift. Could you email me, so I can have your email address again?

  5. That fabric is gorgeous. I love Kaufman's fabrics, they're all great. I'm looking forward to seeing your next project!

  6. I know you will enjoy the challenge and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! Enjoy the time you spend on it, Chris.

  7. Going to be another super creation.

  8. I know you'll do a great job : )


Let me know you stopped by..I love to read your comments ..

Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..