Monday 17 June 2013

Where does the time go to?


Time is rushing by and on checking my blog I see that I started blogging end of July 2008, so  I will be sorting out another present for my followers then..Where did those 5 years go to?

Thank you to all of you that leave a comment it is very encouraging and I am slowly making my way through the list of followers. What is sad to see that some have stopped blogging, and I often wonder why? Did they get fed up, work too busy, illness or discouraged by some silly remark left on their blog? I hope not the last reason, as  I like to think that in blog land we are all really nice people with hearts of gold!

'Keep calm and carry on blogging!'

Thank you again to all my followers.


  1. I can't believe that we are half way through the year. I work in a supermarket and it won't be long before we start getting things in for, gulp, Christmas!

  2. Sometimes it scares me how time flies. You precisely describe the the thoughts I have about followers.
    Take care and enjoy every new day!

  3. Hello

    Time really does fly!
    It is lovely to have people visit your blog and leave positive comments.
    Have a good week (:

  4. You are right, time does fly - it is my blogaversary in a day or two so please come and check out my giveaway.

  5. I agree ... time goes by so quickly. Congratulations on almost blogging for 5 years! Love those flowers in your photo : )

  6. Beautiful pink! Is all the garden work done for a bit then Chris?

  7. What a beautiful flower!
    Congrats on five years! It does make one wonder what happens to some people ~ hopefully it is just that good things in life have taken over!

  8. I guess life just happens to all of us, and sometimes becomes incompatible with blogging. Sometime people just lose interest. I'm glad to see you still blogging, and well done on the coming milestone.

  9. They say time flies when your having fun.


  10. And in a few days the nights will start drawing in!
    Carol xx

  11. Summer solstice on Friday, where did this year go to?

  12. Wow, 5 years, congratulations, times does indeed fly by!

  13. I love your flowers. so pretty.. I love reading your blog to as you know I am still learning here and I am going back over the ones I have not read. you do an awesome job in whatever you do and you do have many talents....... love Marge

  14. I sometimes wonder what happens to bloggers, too and I wonder what happens to one's blog if you suddenly died? My husband would not know that he needed to close it down - not meaning to be morbid but I do wonder!

  15. Wow! 5 years is a great long time!! Congrats! Beautiful flowers too!!


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..