Wednesday 12 June 2013

A beautiful walk

We live within a stone's throw of a 90 acre meadow. Although council owned, of course like a lot of places today it is maintained by volunteers.

It is a beautiful place with wild life, wild flowers and an abundance of blackberries and sloes in the Autumn..
Nell loves to run free there but checks now and then if we are behind her! Today we did hide behind a bush, and she came racing back to find us.
This is what we saw today..
And a close up.
So you can see why we love living here.
Dh took the photos!
A happy time and a lovely walk.


  1. Hello

    Such a lovely place and very cute doggie!
    I can see why you like it.

  2. Beautiful..nice to see real meadow flowers!

  3. It is very pretty. I love open green spaces. It's harder to find them where I live because it's desert here, but we have many public parks and I like to go just to get an eyeful of green.

  4. What a lovely place to spend time in the great outdoors!

  5. Beautiful space to walk and see the wildlife. Very pretty. love Annette

  6. What a lovely place to walk! Wild life, wildflowers, blackberries & sloes ... what more could a person want? I actually had to look up what sloes are ... never heard of them, but they sound yummy : )

  7. Chris ... I tried to send you an email both it was bounced back to me stating "undeliverable." Would you please contact me?

  8. A very special place. Nell is so sweet.


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