Saturday 25 May 2013

Saturday evening after an afternoon of gardening

What is nicer than a BBQ after a heavy stint of gardening??
DH had been very busy when I was out this morning at my sewing group.. he went out and bought this BBQ so of course he had to try it out?
Did I stop him ??? Oh no, I say and waited to be waited on!

We had a very delicious meal of steak, baked potato and salad.. I ate olives and drank home made wine while he played with the new BBQ!
Happy Days!

It must be love!! LOL

Chris xx


  1. Hello

    Sounds like a lovely day!
    Your stitching and crochet is beautiful!

  2. What a great day for you.

  3. What a lovely way to spend a day, cheers!

  4. Day at a sewing group and dinner cooked for you, sounds like perfection, cheers!

  5. I had a perfect day too Chris with stitching group at my house and then a meal with friends tonight. I have been reading through (sorry there are not enough hours to comment on each of the posts I have read, but I love your yellow cardigan and I adore your cupcake pin cushion. Its ages since I knite anything and the cupcake would be far beyond my talents.

  6. How sweet! Both of you had a grand day - I must say it's a lovely picture of you! XX

  7. What a very lovely day : )

  8. Lovely post Chris ,looks like you have fun, what could be better.

  9. Good for you Chris. I never got my husband to take over grilling. RATS!! I do love BBQ though.

  10. Oh, how nice. It sounds like a lovely evening. My husband enjoys grilling too. I love the photo of you, you are looking very happy and relaxed!

  11. Lovely: I wish we had your weather: all we have had is rain, rain and more rain! BTW Chris, did the charts arrive?

  12. Hi Chris, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. You do read a lot and I am amazed by your creativity. I promise to visit your blog regular. have a nice day, sunny kisses from Rio, Alice

  13. well I commented but see it not go so will try again. all looks so good Chris and you are looking so pretty too.. the wine looks yummy.. off to read more on your blog here and see if this will go. love Marge

  14. Hello

    Sounds like a great day.


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