Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Day

Happy Blessed Easter everyone.. hope you're enjoying a lovely day with family or friends.
These cow slips are a little pressie from my DH..
For those of you not from UK they are a wild flower and used to grow where I played as a little girl.  I used to pick some to take home, but this is not allowed these days. You can buy them from specialist growers.
A non calorific present!
But I did have some little chocolate bunnies from my step daughter, five, which I have eaten!
We are having a family day with the tradition Easter lamb dinner.. here is Nell on the stairs wating for hers!
Happy days!

Chris xx


  1. Nell is so cute, waiting there for her share of Easter Dinner.

    I have never tasted lamb. The traditional dish here on Easter is baked ham.

    Have a glorious day!

  2. Happy Easter Chris!
    It sound like you had a lovely day!

  3. Happy Easter Chris.
    Hope you have had a lovely day.
    We have many, many cowslips (providing they have survived the long winter) so, if you want to increase your stock, let me know and I'd be happy to send some.
    Carol xx

  4. Pretty flowers! Happy Easter to you, Chris.

  5. A Happy, Blessed Easter to you Chris. I just now read your comment. What do you mean that your toy poodle was killed?

  6. Ah, sweet Nell looks so cute on the stairs. Hope your meal was delish! We're having lovely warm sunshine here today!

  7. Sweet gift from your hubby.

  8. The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

    We had lamb here as well. =)


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