Sunday 20 May 2012

My latest sewing project and a change in life habits!

My latest sewing effort. It's a little dorothy drawstring bag. it was such a delight to sew, which might sound a bit silly but I just loved sewing it. I think one of these with some little makeup or shower bits would make a super christmas present. But this one is for me!
It's a nicer sage green than the picture shows and the red fabric lines the pockets and the bag.
I am so loving sewing again and I have so many things I want to do.
And now something else that I am doing....
Trying to lose weight has been a battle for me for the last few years, my latest read is this...
I have had this book for some time but never got round to reading it. I had a bit of set back the beginning of the year with the wrong thyroxin dose, but it is all stabilised now and I  am back to Slimming World. I have also decided to walk each day. I have been having acupuncture for my hip bursitis these last 4 weeks and the relief it has given me is amazing. So I feel I can now walk where as 5 weeks ago I could hardly walk from the kitchen to the lounge. It will mean less stitching and sewing time, but reading this book has brought home to me how being exessively over weight is deadly!
I am happy to follow the SW food plan and I know from experience it works but  I need to alter my every day habits. It is not going to be easy but once I get into a more healthy exercise day I know it will come naturely. I gave up  biscuits for Lent and I never ever think of them now. It seems that anything you do for 7 weeks becomes easier!
So I am giving it a go!
Hope you are happily doing what ever you like to do.
Chris xx 


  1. They reckon it takes 9 weeks for something to become a habit.

    Good luck with the walking one tip my physio gave me after my back injury is vary the terrain don't just walk on pavements, which can aggravate injures because they are hard and sloped. Do pavements one day and rough uneven ground i.e. woodland/ grass the next day.

  2. Beautiful bag, it would make a lovely travelling bag gift for a stitcher/crafter too.
    Good luck with the walking, good news the acupuncture is helping the pain, I have heard such good reports about this recently.

  3. Gorgeous bag finish.
    Glad they sorted your thyroxin - you can definately feel lousy when your levels are out.
    Good luck with the walking and SW.

  4. The bag is just lovely, well done!

  5. The bag is so pretty! I agree something like that would make a really nice Xmas gift filled with lovely little goodies! Glad you're able to walk more comfortably now and that you've joined me in the battle of the weight issue! Today is such a miserable grey day, though, that I just don't want to go anywhere!

    I'm going to be in England mid-August to mid-September. Lorne is in London working at the Olympics and he's asked me to join him at the end of my trip for a week. So I was wondering if you'd like to meet up for lunch one day and you could show me your little neighbourhood. We'll be in the Poplar region of London so I could take the train to get to your area. Or you could come to London. Let me know if that suits - it'd be September 5-12 ish.

  6. Chris, the stitched bag is lovely! Wishing you all the best in habits change. Good luck!

  7. Lovely bag, I've always got so many thing I would like to make/do. Just need someone to put 48 hours in each day!
    I've been trying to lose a little weight, so far 9lbs in 2 weeks (but 4 of those were put on during the holiday so don't think they took too much losing). It isn't easy and it can creep back so quickly too! Hope you are successful in 'changing habits'.
    Carol xx

  8. Your drawstring bad is so cute!! Good luck with your diet and exercise plan!

  9. Super cute bag!!

    That's great that you able to get back to walking. Go go go you! You can do it.


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