Saturday 18 February 2012


The International Hermit and Stitch weekend is  this weekend, I nearly forgot... so hope you too will be hunkered down and stitching all weekend.

I do have to go away sunday but the rest of the time I will be working on my Rosewood Manor 'Quakers and Quilts.'  Why don't you join in the fun!!
Happy happy stitching, what better way to spend a weekend?
Thank you Joysze for organising yet another fun way to get to know other stitchers from all over the world.

Chris xx


  1. Thank you for telling me, now I know what my favorite holiday of the year is... :) and now I have a perfectly good excuse not to put down the needle until... Monday? We have Monday off too, so it works out sooo fine!
    Happy stitching to you!

  2. I think I will check this out. Sounds fun. CJ in OK ;-)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    How did you do for IHSW weekend? Did you get any stitching in?


Let me know you stopped by..I love to read your comments ..

Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..