Saturday 12 November 2011

I think he loves me!

Every day mid morning we have a coffee together ( my Dh works from home)  We always stop to drink it together, sometimes when it is warm we sit outside in the garden or in the conservatory. Dh always makes it and I often have this chocolate heart on the top of the frothy milk.
It is has become a thing and I say 'I heart you too!' Corny? Not at all we love each other.
The lovely heart was something he bought for me the other week and gave it to me with the comment, 'something you don't need.' Ooooh I love that man!
We are  very happy together, we live a very blessed life. Every morning and through  every day I say a silent thank you to God for everything.

Chris xx


  1. That is so sweet! Sometimes Lorne will pop out to Starbucks when I'm still in bed and surprise me with a special coffee treat. Doesn't it make you feel warm all over?! :D

  2. Aww what a charmer!!! Where did you get him from LOL!!

  3. How lovely, I wake every morning to a nice cup of tea in bed brought to me by my DH.

  4. How sweet! Both figuratively and literally. Kinda like having your cake and eating it too. :)

  5. How wonderful that you are both so happy and managed to find each other.

  6. Awwww, how lovely, nothing wrong with loving each other and showing it.
    Carol xx

  7. that is so sweet Chris but then again by all u write about all you both do and share there is no doubt he is deeply in love with you and you him , and I agree you are blessed indeed.
    love Marge


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