Monday 13 June 2011

On a wet Sunday afternoon.

It poured all Sunday afternoon, no tennis so I listen to the audio tape of ‘Bridges of Madison County.’  I bought it years ago but had never listened to it. A lot of its charm for me, was that it is read by the Author Robert  James Waller so the American accent helped to make this a very enjoyable three hours!(The hero's name was Robert too!!)
I had read the book and seen the film, several times and have loved it, but this audio version was a new thing for me and it was wonderful.
I stitched and listen with the rain beating on the conservatory roof. I had to stop a several  times as I couldn’t see the stitches through my tears.  Such a love story and such a sadness when she decides to do her duty to her husband and family. How sad that she tried to find Robert when her husband died but failed.
I loved the fact that she followed his life through the Geographic Magazine in which his photographs were published.
I hoped that Francesca will turn the handle on the car door this time (you have to have read it or seen the film to understand) I understood so much of Francesca life, her daily routines, housework, children and details, and know how you can lose yourself in the midst of it all and you forget the dream filled, passionate, sensual person you once were and hoped to be. When Robert Kinkaid arrived, Francesca became once more the woman she used to be. Five days in an Iowa Summer..... heartbreaking.  This has to be one of the most touching and romantic tales ever told. A story of two middle aged people who found each other one warm summer night, who spent the rest of their lives remembering and regretting not taking their chance. This is certainly not a fairytale but a heartbreaking story of once in a lifetime love.
A wonderful way to spend a wet Sunday afternoon.



  1. I've watched the movie several times and it is definately a tear-jerker!
    How wonderful that it was the author reading.

  2. Oh I LOVE this story! Every time I watch the movie, I keep saying "Go, Francesca! Go to him!" But...*sigh*

  3. I haven't heard of this before, Maybe a trip to the library is in order

  4. Great progress on the Jardin Prive, its such a beautiful design.

    Your new cardi is going to be lovely, how will you resist the wool till Autumn LOL

    I've seen the film and loved it, it's so nice to stitch and listen to audio books, i think a lot of laides do it.

  5. This is one book I have held on to through the years. I keep going back and reading it and crying and crying! Oh to have a love like that!!!
    I have never seen the movie and won't. I know it can't possibly be as good.
    I used to listen to books on disc when I travelled every weekend and I loved them.


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