Thursday 2 June 2011

My wool has arrived.....

Yes they are all bright colours but that's what I wanted to knit ....
.......this a multi coloured stripy cardi for the winter.
The fawn is for the welts and the border. 

As soon as I saw this in the 'Lets Knit' magazine last year, I knew I just had to knit it..
But I had so much on the go I forgot about it and then when I was looking at wool sites last week, I saw these 25gram balls at a very reasonable price so that was it. I changed my mind about the colours several times but am happy now with my choice. I think I will have to try the balls next to each other before I actually start knitting but I am quite confident that I will like what I do.

I won't start this till September as  I want to finish my Sampler Aux Bouquet and the two RAKS that I have to stitch... but it is a pattern that I am really going to enjoy.

I don't think I will be wearing a mini skirt with it, my mini skirt days are long past, but  I am game to wear the bright pink stockings!!  LOL
Hope every one is happy and stitching, knitting or gardening in this beautiful sunny and hot weather in UK.
We are still not straight in the house but the garden has been dug over and we have alloted part to grow veggies. We found our allotment diary today when I unpacked a box of books and the entries were so funny ......
......September 4th 2007 read.. 'Had a happy day at our 'lottie' the sun shone, we got another area cleared, ate our sandwiches and drank our coffee before the heavens opened and we arrived home wet through. So wet that we had to undress in the shower. But we really enjoyed ourselves.' They were happy days for us, hard work, very hard work, but happy! LOL

Hugs and happy stitching everyone.


  1. Beautiful colours but our winters are too mild to wear wooly sweaters. I prefer the cotton knits. Bet it will look fab when done! Be sure to post an "after" photo!. :D

  2. Lovely bright colours! Don't forget for the after photo you need to be wearing the pink stockings LOL

  3. Great colours - look forward to seeing you model it, complete with bright pink tights!

  4. That's a gorgeous rainbow of colours - the cardi will be gorgeous. Not so sure about those pink tights though! LOL :0)

  5. Ooooo, love love love the colors!!!


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