Friday 20 May 2011

I am still stitching!!

When you're moving house, packing up your belongings just takes over your life!
Or so I thought.. it is a week and one day since we moved and now unpacking our belongings is all we're doing. Trying to find a place for everything is getting very stressful. We have given a lot of glasses, china and books away. We just have too much stuff. Everyday we have tried to get straight but as we unpack more and more boxes, the more mess we seem to be creating!
Some evenings I have fallen alseep as soon as we have had dinner I have been so tired.. but those evenings when I have stayed awake I have worked on this..
Sampler Aux Bouquet. It didn't need a massive change of colours so seemed simple to stitch.
However saying that, I had frogs all over part 1 and spent a lot of time unpicking and re-stitching.
But here is it is I have now completed all of part 1 and am half way through part 2. Unfortunately I didn't allow enough fabric for part 3, so I will stitch that one separately.

And as we are here in Billericay I intend to join in the quilters class I did, when we stayed here in April and I have already picked out what I want to make. As you can see the little flower heads are suffolk puffs!
This is in this book that was recommended to me by a member of the Sampler Guild, that I met when I went to the Canvey Stitchers get together.. it is a lovely book with lots of other projects in it too.

I can't wait to get started,  but I have to unpack a few more boxes first!!!
Thank you to all that wished us well for our move, I am sorry that I haven't been visiting blogs of late, I am just too tired some evenings to log on... now that is admitting to something to be too tired to log on!!


  1. Your sampler looks very nice and I'm sure the stitching moments you got helped you to wind down.

  2. Your sampler is looking beautiful Chris.

  3. I wish I had your talent!! My mother in law is talented like you and I wish I could do some of that needlework. I have her stuff hanging in my house and it never ceases to amaze me, how beautiful it is!

  4. Wow, moving is stressful isn't it. I understand moving to a smaller house. We did that a few years ago and it was very difficult to part with the things I had accumulated over the years. Sending hugs and sympathy.
    Your sampler is looking beautiful. I did the same thing with my fabric but realized it very quickly and so I will finish Part 1 and then start all over again.
    Have a great week and good luck with settling in.

  5. I love the sampler Chris and you'll soon get organised and be able to sit and relax in your lovely home.....x

  6. your sampler is looking fantastic, i really am trying very hard to resist this one

    I hope you get settled into your new home soon x

  7. Your sampler is looking great. I hope you are all unpacked and settled soon.

  8. I can't even imagine having to move house, it would take us forever to pack and unpack, gives me chills just thinking about it. Hope you get sorted soon.
    Your sampler is looking wonderful, glad you're still managing to get a little stitching done.

  9. Good luck with the unpacking. Your sampler is beautiful, in fact seeing it has reminded me that I started this one too (before my stitching mojo went AWOL) and I'm going to work on mine today! I've put that book in my shopping cart a few times, but haven't actually bought it (yet!)

  10. Hope your getting to the end of your unpacking by now!! Your sampler looks lovely , I'm sure that it will have helped to 'de-stress' the house moving a little.

  11. Beautiful progress Chris. I love this.

  12. Chris, I read your post with great interest, as we're thinking of downsizing to a smaller house after 22 years in a big house with lots of storage that we filled. I need to start getting rid of things before trying to sell this one, but the thought just paralyses me. I can only imagine how you're doing it. I don't know where to start!

    I have never seen Sampler Aux Bouquet until my visit to your lovely blog, but is to die for. I googled it and found the site where it's offered. It's mighty tempting, LOL! I have way more than I can ever do though. Your work is just gorgeous, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here. I still am thinking of Sampler Aux Bouquet. Can't quit!

  13. Bouquet looks lovely Chris. I love the quilted bag, the puffs do give it a lovey 3D effect

  14. That is a beautiful sampler you are working on! In answer to your question about the shawl....I ordered the pattern online at

  15. SAB looks beautiful & am so looking forward to seeing the new quilted piece - it's a lovely design. :0)


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