Saturday 6 November 2010

TA-DA.... A happy dance!

I started this 8th August 2010 ... it is  a design called ABECEDAIRE by I have  used 28 C Linen and DMC threads 561 and 598 and I am very happy with it.
It was lovely to stitch and although I am 5 days over the October ending  I feel I have met my pledge to finish an UFO each month.. and here is it finished!
For November my pledge is to finish my Golden Bridge Houses which still has a lot of back stitching and french knots to do. I am now making  gifts for Christmas and have nearly finished my wavy crochet pattern scarf for my friend.. so lots to do!
After Christmas I am starting Rosewood Manor Quakers Spring and I have signed up for another RR with the Stitch and Stash group... my UFO to finish along side with these projects will be my Celtic Lady, 'Summer'

Happy stitching everyone and hope you too are enjoying this extra-ordinary warm weather.


  1. That's a lovely finish. I have the parts and plan to stitch it one day ho hum... famous last words. I am amazed you have stitched it so quickly. I like your idea of finishing a UFO a month. Mine are just sooo big. Look forward to seeing what you finish next. x

  2. A lovely finish. I look forward to seeing your stitching that you have planned for November.

  3. What a gorgeous finish Chris, congratulations on your HD

    Hugs xxxxx

  4. Gorgeous finish - just love the colours you've used. Well done & enjoy that well deserved HD. Am sure you'll have no problem finishing the Houses. :0)

  5. That looks lovely. What determination finishing things.

    I keep trying not to start anything new but my daughter keeps asking for cardigans for my granddaughter and I can't resist!

  6. Well done on sticking to your pledge and the finish!Think I should do smething like this might get more done.It hasn't stoped raing here today!

  7. Super finish, i do like the colours in this.

  8. What a beautiful finish! And what a great idea to finish a UFO every month! I wish I could get myself to do that. lol!

  9. Your work is beautiful, you clever girl.

    I have recently read A Thousand Splendid Suns" - brilliant, if harrowing in places.


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..