Monday 22 February 2010

A New Week... and deep thinking

Can't you tell there is bad weather, the number of post in my ladies group topped a thousand again. I think we are all positively fed up of snow. Why did it hold such joy when we were little and now this hatred? Yes its beautiful when it is all new and clean but horrid to walk out in.  It didn’t snow again in the night although forecast, so it has almost gone yipeeee. I don’t think I I have known snow to stay around so long. This has to me been the longest winter I have ever remembered. Roll on spring. I think a few dry warm days and the daffodils will be in bloom and nothing looks as good as daffodils after the winter
This cyclamen has flowered non ceasing since before christmas, there in our conservatory it is cool (actually it gets very cold) and this seems to suit them

Yesterday evening I spent some time reading blogs and there are so many wonderful ones out there, what wonderful women to write such wise and thought provoking things.
And such amazing stitching.. beautifully framed and hung, and there's my latest effort thrown over the back of a chair and much to my shagrene with two stitches missing, which I didn't notice till it was photographed. These have now been stitched.
Thank you for not noticing everyone and if you did thank you for not saying! LOL
And also thank you for not mentioning my lack of weight update, this because I put on weight over Christmas and am battling to lose that extra bit (well quite a big bit truth be told) That's the other thing that puzzles me, before  I started to try to lose weight,  I could eat a couple of biscuits and my weight stayed the same, albeit I was over weight to start with and now two biscuits and I have put on a pound.
I am continuing to letter write today I did say to some friends I would hand write but I think a typed one to my Austalian relatives would be best, no point sending some thing they can't read! LOL 

For those more difficult letters I have decided to keep them short and brief and really just to say Hello, if they want to chuck them they can, I feel I will have done my bit to heal the rift as it were; although am I just writing to salve my conscience?
So something I intend to say to myself each day..

Just for today
Just for today I will I will live true to my faith.
ust for today I will read a shorter amount of my Readings and re-read it so that I understand it.
Just for today I will do one good deed and not tell anyone of it.
Just for today I will believe in goodness in people rather than evil.
Just for today I will not criticize anyone nor make a disparaging remark or think them either.
Just for today I will do one thing I don’t like doing
Just for today I will be happy in the certainty that I was created to be happy
Just for today I will firmly believe that I am in Gods safe hands and that he cares for me as no one else in this world can.
Just for today I will make at least one person feel, I love them
Just for today I will thank the Lord ‘Just for Today’
Some thing I do say each day is.... thank you to you all out there for the kindest of comments and for being there..


  1. hope the week is a good one for you Chris, the cyclamen is lovely,I agree about all the blogs
    out there so many talented people .
    Hugs Barb

  2. Hi I found your Blog through the SAL 2010 that I am on too. Congrats on your finish. Your cyclamen are gorgeous. Everytime someone brought me one of these plants they would just die and I hated them. We moved house and friends gave one to us a housewarming gift. I sought advice from my DF who said that like cooler air - I put mine on the balcony and they flower all year round.

  3. Stitching friends are precious, aren't they! I'd never notice anyone's mistakes other than my own. You probably have much more experience than me in stitching.

    Have a happy day.

  4. Sending warm hugs and not "Just for Today"

  5. Sending hugs and not "Just for Today"

  6. I love your BR finish and look forward to seeing it framed.

    Your Just for Today is full of wonderful thoughts...something we all should try to adopt. hugs, Linda

  7. Hope you have a good week. Love the flowers. Nice wisdom you gave, too. :)

  8. I agree Chris, it is a long winter and we are still having the occasional flurry of snow!

    I love cyclamen, such pretty little flowers, they somehow remind me of swans! Enjoy your week and happy stitching. A x

  9. Cyclamen looks beautiful - we had some shock snow today (totally unexpected)

  10. What a lovely post Chris. My cyclamen is being pulled to pieces by one of the cats but it still keeps blooming. love and hugs...Sue xx

  11. Nice to have found another blog to look at. I so admire you stitching ladies - my patience is a lot thinner than it used to be and I'm afraid I'll never make a quilt so I will just admire yours :) Thanks for stopping by my blog to read and comment.

  12. Hi Chris , just wanted to let you know that I'm now offering the PIF on my blog ,and thanks again for the lovely gift .XXX

  13. A very beautiful verse, thank you for sharing it.


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..