Friday 20 November 2009

Christmas is coming

I have been a busy bee and can show these christmas cards and pressies because the people they are for don't blog!! I loved knitting the socks as I have made quite a few in my time so I can knit and watch TV! The same with the crochet little purse bags.

Here are just some of my cards; the socks are for my best friend and the little purse bags, one for my grand daughter Saskia and one for Lily who is the younger daughter of my son's partner.
I have made 24 cards some in these designs and some smaller.. great fun to make, now all I have to do is write them all! And lots more that will have to be bought

The socks are knitted in patterned wool and I think I will knit a pair for me in a different colour, forgive the feet, but this the best I could do to show the socks, my feet are clean. I know my friend won't mind me trying them on, well I had to see if they would fit her, we have the same size feet!

I lined the bags in different coloured fabric, the blue one was in my goody bag from Hazel (thank you Hazel) when we had a cross stitch get together back in October

Having completed these I can now get back to my stitching as yesterday my beads and gold braid arrived for my Celtic Summer! Wahooo!! Can't wait to have a go with the gold braid... will post some pics when I have completed some showing the gold.
Happy stitching everyone ... I love christmas so its been exciting making these gifts


  1. Lovely work - the recipients of these will love them. Love Michelle x

  2. Lovely cards & the socks & bags are fab - there'll be some very happy recipients there. :0) Looking forward to that CS update. :0)

  3. The cards are so colourful and the socks looks so cozy!

  4. and wow again. I still have not got a good start on my socks..the piggy flu put me off. They are all wonderful. Love the bag too!

  5. I love your finishes - those socks look really cosy :o)

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  7. Super pressies, love the socks, the bags are an ideal gift for a young lady.
    Nice cards too.


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