Wednesday 2 September 2009

Hello Mr Postie again!!

This sweetest little needle case arrived this morning all the way from France from Elizabeth. The stitching is minute and it is amazing.. The finishing is superb and I love the colours of the fabric, kinda Laura Ashley! I just love it..and it will be with me in my stitching bag next week when we are on holiday in 'cream tea country!!'
Thank you Elizabeth, this has made my day.


  1. Lovely gift. Glad it makes you smile.
    Hang in there girl!

  2. A lovely gift to receive and you deserve it - love Michelle x

  3. I'm so happy you like it ! And finally its not very far from Lyon to you : I mailed only monday !!! Congrats for your very nice blog. Hugs !

  4. Now i do like that, so cute and pretty.

    Have a lovely holiday, hope you come back nice and relaxed and refreshed

  5. Two gorgeous gifts there. :0)


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