Saturday 25 April 2009

Spring in my garden, my water feature and seedlings galore!

Spring has arrived in our garden, it doesn't show all here but we have daffodils, tulips, pansies, wallflowers and as you can see forget-me-nots every where!!

This is my little water feature not working at the moment. It is called Gladys and I bought it several years ago at the Gardener's World Show at the NEC with money that my Aunty Gladys left me in her will.. The water comes out of the flower on the bonnet and trickles round the brim and then down. We are looking out for a solar operated pump for it as it is a bit far down the garden for a power cable. I love it although various people have said she is ugly I think she is beautiful!

My seedlings...all growing well in the conservatory

And some more...I have petunias, bizzie-lizzies, antirhiums, sunflowers, lupins, rudbeckia, cosmos and others... come the summer we shall have a borders full of flowers and the extras will go up the allotment, and of course all the veggies


  1. All lovely...rainy day here so nice to see a bit of spring in your litle corner of the world lol

  2. You certainly have a green thumb -can you pass a little of it onto me please?

  3. We love to grow, but due to the hot and humid weather here, the only things that we have in our home ( garden) are cactus.

    You sure have a nice place for growing. How i envy !!

  4. OMG...Gladys is a hoot! I LOVE her!!! :0)


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