Monday 29 December 2008

Christmas at home...

This was our table Boxing day strangely dh didn't take one christmas day I think it may have been as he did the bulk of the cooking!

This is just some of our christmas pics, we had a wonderful time and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit! As you can see my cracker had a little fan in it! This is me and my SIL the other pics show my step daughters one of my grand sons and my daughters back!

We ate well! Diet here I come!


  1. The table and the family members all look great!

  2. Thank you for sharing your wonderful Christmas pics, that cake looks gorgeous.

  3. Looks like a good time was had by all.

  4. Your table looks so pretty and yummy!! So glad you had a wonderful day:) Great pics!!

  5. Great photos - it looks like a great time was had by everyone - thanks for sharing


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