Sunday 27 July 2008

A glorious Sunday

Something new for me.......
Here I am it is day 13 after my knee operation which has been a lot more painful than I anticipated, and I have decided to start a blog. I don't know what I'll write about, but just going to have a go.. nothing ventured, nothing gained!

My cross stitching has been neglected as I just couldn't concentrate... but the piece of linen arrived yesterday for my napkin exchange so this morning I am looking for a food design that would be suitable. Quite exciting as it is the first exchange I have done for

x-stitch-exchange@yahoogroups,com I also need to sort out a biscornu for theChristmas excange and I have my lovely Sue Hawkins Dog Rose tile to complete. Quite impossible to do this post op as it needs too much concentration!
So a great start perhaps for things to come..
I wonder if I 'll still be writing in a year's time???

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